
The following table represents an approximation of the breakdown of questions on the PA Entry to practice certification examination. This is intended as a guide only and the actual PA Cert Exam may vary slightly from this ideal.

PACCC PA Cert Exam Blueprint (last updated 2022)

 General Examination Format

Number of questions 250 questions
Question Format Multiple-choice, four-option only
Question Presentation Standalone questions only
Cognitive Levels Knowledge, Application, and Critical Thinking


Systems based Weighting

System Weighting
Cardiovascular 10.00%
Dermatology 6.00%
Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat 6.00%
Endocrine & Metabolic 9.00%
Gastrointestinal 10.00%
Genitourinary 7.00%
Immune & Hematology 4.00%
Infectious Disease 4.00%
Mental Health 9.00%
Musculoskeletal 10.00%
Neurological 8.00%
Obstetrics/Gynecology 7.00%
Respiratory 10.00%
TOTAL 100%


Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) Weighting

EPA Weighting
EPA1: Practice patient-focused, safe, ethical, professional, and culturally competent medical care across the healthcare continuum. 7.00%
EPA2: Obtain histories and perform physical examinations, demonstrating clinical judgement appropriate to the clinical situation. 12.00%
EPA3: Formulate clinical questions and gather required clinical evidence to advance patient care; and communicate those results to the patient and medical team. 12.00%
EPA4: Formulate and prioritize comprehensive differential diagnoses. 12.00%
EPA5: Develop and implement patient-centered, evidence-based treatment plans within the formalized physician, clinical team, and caregiver relationships. 12.00%
EPA6: Accurately document the clinical encounter, incorporating the patient's goals, caregiver goals, decision-making, and reports into the clinical record. 5.00%
EPA7: Collaborate as a member of an inter-professional team in all aspects of patient care, including transition of care responsibility. 5.00%
EPA8: Recognize a patient requiring immediate care, providing the appropriate management and seeking help as needed. 10.00%
EPA9: Plan and perform procedures and therapies for the assessment and the medical management appropriate for general practice. 8.00%
EPA10: Engage and educate patients on procedures, disease management, health promotion, wellness, and preventive medicine. 7.00%
EPA11: Recognize and advocate for patients concerning cultural, community, and social needs in support of positive mental and physical wellness. 5.00%
EPA12: Integrate continuing professional and patient quality improvement, life-long learning, and scholarship. 5.00%
TOTAL 100.%